Warrington VC Women team defeat Wirral 3:0

Published on 20 March 2023 at 19:32

After Wirral gave up their away game against our ladies due to not having team for second time, Warrington ladies had a chance to play Wirral ladies in their own venue yesterday and they have been absolutely on fire! They won first two sets 25:19 and they just been amazingly unstoppable and crushed them 25:10 in the third final set. Congratulations girls! Very well played!!

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Michelle crompton
a year ago

Hi , my daughter and her friend really enjoy volleyball at high school and are looking to join a club , they are both age 12 , can they try out after the school holidays ?
The first Monday in June ?

Many thanks
Michelle crompton

Winnie Lam
10 months ago

My daughters year 9 & year 10.
Can they try volleyball club?

9 months ago


Robinson owani
9 months ago

Hey, good morning and happy Sunday
I would like to officially fallow your team and be part of your team Un maybe some times, I love volleyball but i don’t know how u can get your games
I’m Robinson owani from Uganda